Picture Of A Hug And A Kiss

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So awkward Jerry Seinfeld shuns Keshas requests for hug on red carpet. By Ross Mcdonagh For Dailymail. Couples-hugging2.jpg' alt='Picture Of A Hug And A Kiss' title='Picture Of A Hug And A Kiss' />Home Hello World of Biscuit. Welcome to the sweet world of Biscuit, where one more kiss and one more hug is always the rule With over 17 million books in print. The Elvis Kiss Mystery Solved Vanity Fair. Several years ago, Malcolm Gray was watching an Elvis Presley tribute show on Pay Per View when a still photograph appeared the iconic 1. Grays eyes widened. My God, come here the electrical engineer shouted to his girlfriend, Barbara, now his wife. Theyve got you on that big screen. Does Priscilla know who you areNo, Barbara said, nonchalantly, from the other room. She had seen that photo hundreds of times over the past half century. I was before Priscilla, Malcolm. The Kissas the photograph is sometimes calledis in fact the most enduring of the 3,8. Latest Vlc Media Player S'>Latest Vlc Media Player S. Al Wertheimer made of Elvis Presley, many of the best taken during a two day period in June 1. While chronicling the rock prince on the threshold of becoming the King, Wertheimer, then 2. Elvis on the road and at his home in Memphis with his family and entourage. Compatibility Issues With Windows Vista there. But that prize frame has become one of the classics in the rock photography canon Elvis, in a stairwell at the Mosque Theatre in Richmond, Virginia, minutes before a concert, darting a mischievous tongue toward the deliciously reciprocating mouth of a mysterious girl in black. Many have compared the picture to another moment snapped 1. Alfred Eisenstaedts 1. V J Day in Times Square, shot for Life, of a sailor and a nurse spontaneously embracing the day World War II ended. But while both images have remained photographic whodunits for decades, nearly 2. Times Square shot. In contrast, no one has ever emerged with a legitimate claim as Elviss blonde. And with good reason. In the photo, her features are largely obscured. And to make matters more difficult, Elvis, throughout his career, was known to have had scores of dates and trysts with fans and companions. I never bothered to ask her name, says Wertheimer, an energetic 8. German migr, sitting in his New York brownstone brimming with Elvis books, photos, and memorabilia. And she never bothered to tell me. As a result, for 5. Wertheimer has called her simply Elviss date for the day. Whats more, ever since the picture was published, no one on the Richmond music scene, or in Elviss inner circle, seemed to know who she was. But how could they not This was a Kim Novak look alike, dressed for Saturday nightsexy, flirty, wearing four inch, plastic Springolator pumps, rhinestone fan earrings, a black chiffon spaghetti strap dress, and a see through purse festooned with faux pearls. Whoever she was, this was not a girl to forget. As evidenced in the 4. Wertheimer took of her that daymany of which show her facing directly into the lensshe had fetching dimples, brows sharply penciled in black, and a teasing smile that tugged at the corners of her mouth. By her own admission, real estate manager Barbara Gray, though a natural blonde, doesnt much resemble that babe from 5. But, hey, what do you want I was 2. Charleston, South Carolina, home, and speaking in an accent that smacks of street smart Philly. Now Im 7. 5. I was very thin and very stacked. Every time I would go to get fitted for a bra, the sales ladies would say, Gosh, you have such lovely breasts. And I would think, Well, I dont know. Are you hitting on meWhen the photo first appearedin a September 1. The Amazing Elvis Presley a 1. Barbara, known as Bobbi, got a kick out of it. In those days she was a sometime dancer, a shoe store clerk, and an unabashed party girl. And she certainly got around. The singer Pat Boone, she says, with whom shed become rather friendly when he played Charleston the year before, called her to give her some grief. Boy, he supposedly needled her, youre in pictures all over the place with my biggest rivalWhat are you talking aboutThese pictures of you with Elvis PresleyLater, the shots showed up in Life and elsewhere. And then, it seemed, the music stopped. Bobbi, albeit anonymously, had enjoyed her brief brush with fame, and didnt really seem to be that interested, remembers her sister, Margaret Crosby. She wasnt the only one. According to Wertheimerwho, that March, had initially been hired by RCA Victor to shadow the labels dynamic young starthe images were of no value to speak of until 1. Presley collapsed and died in his bathroom at Graceland at the age of 4. Then the phone started ringing, says Wertheimer, and it really hasnt stopped in the 3. Wertheimer was a Brooklyn raised photojournalist who shared a studio at the time with photographers Jerry Uelsmann and Life Paul Schutzer. In between assignments, Wertheimer would take forays to the South, creating a variety of images of Presley riding his motorcycle, hanging out with cronies, recording songs in the studio. But by 1. 95. 8 the singers paranoid manager, Colonel Tom Parker, lowered a curtain around his protg and, for the rest of Presleys life, restricted the media to meticulously orchestrated events. In 1. 99. 6, Wertheimer decided to abandon a movie equipment leasing business to concentrate full time on Elvis, selling prints through he New York Times online store and Washingtons Govinda Gallery for as much as 9,0. He also entered into a licensing agreement with Elvis Presley Enterprises, which began emblazoning photos of the singer and the mystery kisser on calendars, note cards, screen savers, purses, refrigerator magnets, and the like. The sheer ubiquity of The Kiss, in part, is what finally got Barbara Gray, you might say, all shook up. My granddaughter went to Graceland and brought back a coffee cup, a little lunch bucket, and a clock, all with that photo on it, she explains. She said, Grandma, can you get your name on the picture Because some day its going to be worth something. Its true that the woman in the photos didnt sign a model release she could have made a good sum, over the years, from the commercial use of her likeness. But Gray says shes not after material gain at this late stage. What she claims to want, instead, is to get her story out. And she says that by turning to Vanity Fairknowing the magazine has featured Wertheimers work in the pastshe is also seeking validation from the one man who could give it to her. A year ago January, Malcolm Gray, Barbaras fourth husband and 1. USA Today. For Presleys 7. Smithsonian was mounting an exhibition, Elvis at 2. Photographs by Alfred Wertheimer. In the accompanying photo, there was Wertheimer, standing in front of a blow up of The Kiss, the centerpiece of the show. Gray insists that that one image was the last straw. She was fed up, as she puts it, with being the unknown young woman in the wings. So she switched on her computer, found Wertheimer on Facebook, and fired off a message Im the girl, The Kiss, Have a good story for youPlease answer this email. She signed off Bobbi Owens, using her maiden name. But while Wertheimer says hes been searching for the bona fide blonde since the 6. Over the years, he explains, Ive had at least a half a dozen womenfrom Houston, Atlanta, almost always from the Southtell me that they were the one who got kissed by Elvis. Id say, I dont doubt it, but you werent the one in my photograph. And they would say, How do you know that Well, most of those women said they were somewhere around five foot eight or nine. I didnt tell them, but the girl was like four foot eleven.