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KarambirSinghRohilla--FuturisticHindiFace-2011.jpg' alt='True Type Tamil Fonts' title='True Type Tamil Fonts' />Mandarin Chinese About World Languages Hunyng Welcome Mandarin ptnghu, guy, huy is the most widely spoken of all Chinese dialects spoken as a first language in a vast area of northern and southwestern mainland China. There is also a huge diaspora of Mandarin speakers in Brunei, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mongolia, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, USA, and Viet Nam. With close to 8. 50 million speakers, Mandarin Chinese  is by far the worlds largest language. Click on the MLA Interactive Language Map to find out where Chinese all dialects is spoken in the United States. Status. Mainland China and Taiwan. Standard Mandarin is the official language of mainland China and of Taiwan where it serves as a lingua franca for speakers of mutually unintelligible dialects. Standard Mandarin is used in all spheres of informal and formal communication. It serves as the medium of instruction at all educational levels as well as in all media. An alphabet is a standard set of letters basic written symbols or graphemes that is used to write one or more languages based upon the general principle that the. The use of Standard Mandarin has facilitated communication among people who speak a variety of mutually unintelligible dialects and languages. As a result, Standard Mandarin is now spoken with varying degrees of fluency and with differences in pronunciation by most people in mainland China and in Taiwan. Singapore. Standard Mandarin is one of the four official languages of Singapore along with English, Tamil and Malay. True Type Tamil Fonts' title='True Type Tamil Fonts' />Download free fonts for over 40 foreign languages, with information on keyboard layouts, bilingual keyboards. Padasalai. net 10th, 12th, tntet, trb, tnpsc, study materials, online tests, latest educational tamil news. Introduction. This is a selective guide to Unicodebased fonts and script projects that are ideal for freelibreopen source FLOSS operating systems like. Although English is the primary medium of instruction in elementary schools, Mandarin, Tamil, and Malay are taught in schools of the respective language communities. Schools in the Chinese community receive extra funding to teach Mandarin and to use it as a medium of instruction since the majority of ethnic Chinese in Singapore are speakers of Min Nan Chinese and have to learn Mandarin as a second dialect. Dialects. Mandarin is the major dialect of China both in terms of number of speakers about 7. The term Mandarin is an English translation of gun hu official language, i. Beijing. The Beijing dialect has been the standard for the official language of China for many centuries. Download Free Fonts. Collection of most popular free to download fonts for Windows and Mac. This free fonts collection also offers useful content and a huge. Because of geographical and political considerations, the language came to be known by different names in the Peoples Republic of China it is called ptnghu common speech, in Taiwan it is called guy national language, and in Singapore and Malaysia it is called huy Chinese language. Although ptnghu, guy and huy are all technically based on the Beijing dialect, they differ from the dialect spoken in Beijing. They also differ from each other mostly in pronunciation and vocabulary. Mandarin spoken in mainland China is usually divided into four main regional varieties that, for the most part, are mutually intelligible Ethnologue. Northern Mandarin Huabei Guanhua  includes the Beijing dialect. Eastern Mandarin Jinghuai GuanhuaNorthwestern Mandarin Xibei GuanhuaSouthwestern Mandarin Xinan GuanhuaStructure. Sound system. The pronunciation of Mandarin varies widely along geographical and social lines. People use elements of their native dialect when they speak it. By contrast, television and radio announcers usually attempt to emulate an idealized version of Standard Mandarin. Below is a short description of the phonology of Standard Mandarin usually heard on television and on the radio. Syllable structure. The syllable structure in Mandarin consists of an optional initial consonant vowel accompanied by tone optional final consonant n or ng. Vowels. Mandarin Chinese has 7 vowel phonemes, i. The number of vowel phonemes in Mandarin is not universally agreed upon. Consonants. Mandarin has 2. Mandarin Chinese does not have a contrast between voiceless and voiced stops and affricates such as between p b, or ts dz, etc. Instead, there is a contrast between voiceless unaspirated and voiceless aspirated consonants, e. Driver Improvement Test Answers. In Pnyn, voiceless unaspirated p, t, k are written as b, d, g. Aspirated consonants are produced with a strong puff of air. In the table below they are marked with a raised h. Only the nasal consonants n and can appear at the end of syllables. Retroflex consonants, t, t are produced with the tongue curled, so that its underside comes in contact with the roof of the mouth. Tones. Every syllable in Mandarin Chinese has a pitch that is an integral part of its pronunciation. Pitch distinguishes one syllable from another syllable that consists of the same consonants and vowels. The romanization system adopted by the government of the Peoples Republic of China, called Pnyn, represents tones by diacritical marks over vowels. Thus, for Mandarin which has four tones, the syllable ma can be written in the following four ways that indicate tones. As you can see, tones make a difference in the meaning of these otherwise identical syllables. Grammar. Mandarin, like all other Chinese languages, is predominantly an isolating, or analytic, language, meaning that for the most part, words have only one grammatical form. Grammatical functions are expressed through word order, particles, prepositions, and discourse, rather than by suffixes attached to nouns or verbs, such as in Indo European languages. Because of the lack of inflections, Chinese grammar may appear quite simple compared to that of Indo European languages. Nouns Mandarin nouns are not marked for number, gender or case. Below are some of the most frequent noun markers. Classifiers. Classifiers are noun markers that are attached to quantifiers and demonstratives. There is one general classifier ge  which occurs with most nouns, e. In general, a noun in Chinese can occur with only one classifier. There are dozens of classifiers, and one has to learn which classifier goes with which noun. As an example, the classifier for books is bn, e. Locative markers. Locative markers occur with prepositions and nouns to specify location, e. I in bed on. Possessive genitive markerThe possessive marker de is used with personal pronouns, turning them into possessive pronouns, e. I possessive my. Verbs. Mandarin verbs are not marked for person and number. The most important verb category is aspect. The perfective aspect is marked by the suffix le, e. I eat perfective marker three classifier rice. Sentence markers. There is a set of particles that occur at the end of sentences. For instance, the particle ma placed at the end of a sentence changes statements into questions, e. Heshe ate and t ch le ma Has he eatenWord order Chinese is a topic prominent language. This means that the topic of the sentence, defined as old or known information, precedes comment, i. For example,Topic old or known informationComment new or added informationzhi bn shw kn guo leThis bookI have readVocabulary. Mandarin shares most of its vocabulary with other Chinese dialects. Foreign words and concepts are adopted by creating new compound words that translate the concept behind them. For example, the word for computer is dinnao, electric brain, the word for telephone is dinhu, literally electric speech. Transliteration of borrowed words does not work very well in Chinese because Chinese characters are not well suited to represent foreign sounds, and because the pronunciation of characters differs from dialect to dialect.